Hardinge offers its HCAC® Collet Adaptation Chucks. These chucks will adapt any spindle to accept C-series collets, 3J collets, B42/ B65 collets, #22/ #11 B&S collets, style-S master collets and dead-length® collets.
Posted: June 19, 2008
Hardinge offers its HCAC® Collet Adaptation Chucks. These chucks will adapt any spindle to accept C-series collets, 3J collets, B42/ B65 collets, #22/ #11 B&S collets, style-S master collets and dead-length® collets. Machining capabilities may be increased by substituting a collet chuck for a jaw chuck for part diameters up to 4 in, depending on the spindle size.
The benefits of using collet chucks versus jaw chucks include: lighter weight, no hoist required to mount on spindle, faster job setup, faster acceleration and deceleration, higher spindle speeds for reduced cycle times, optimum gripping with higher precision capability, capable of using master collets and pads, improved part concentricity, no time spent on boring jaws, and no hazard of jaws flying off. These collet chucks feature a parallel gripping, 4-split collet head for maximum gripping and instant centering.
Collet heads are quick to change and have a 1mm gripping range to accommodate bar stock or piece part variation. The Hardinge design provides part length control for consistency from part-to-part and includes a non-stick feature for instant, repetitive collet opening. These chucks are ideal for twin-spindle applications eliminating drive fault situations that could be caused by collet pullback. They are available in 42, 65 and 90