ABB Robotics offers two robotic High Pressure Water Deburring (HPWD) and Parts Washing systems for general industrial applications modeled after the cutting-edge system it has recently developed for the automotive industry. The new ABB FlexWasher? W30 and W40 systems, which remove eyelash burrs and other foreign materials without removing parent materials, are compact and modular versions of the FlexWasherTM W50 system.
Posted: June 25, 2009
ABB Robotics offers two robotic High Pressure Water Deburring (HPWD) and Parts Washing systems for general industrial applications modeled after the cutting-edge system it has recently developed for the automotive industry. The new ABB FlexWasher? W30 and W40 systems, which remove eyelash burrs and other foreign materials without removing parent materials, are compact and modular versions of the FlexWasherTM W50 system.
The FlexWasherTM W50 is currently in use by Ford, Chrysler, Toyota and DANA to clean and deburr machined powertrain and transmission parts. ABB FlexWasher systems are far more environmentally friendly and cost-efficient than competitive systems because they do not use heated water or cleaning chemicals. In addition to the significantly lower energy consumption and operating costs that result, FlexWashers feature a patented closed loop water filtration system that also reduces waste-handling costs. "It is generally assumed that chemicals are needed to thoroughly clean parts. In the automotive industry we have proven this is not true when using our robotic deburr and washer system,? said Jan Nielsson, global product manager ? FlexWashers, ABB Robotics.
"With our FlexWasher W30 and W40 we are now ready to introduce our technology to the rest of the world". Parts of a complex geometry not able to be thoroughly cleaned by a standard fixed-nozzle system are ideal for FlexWashers. Typically the parts are smaller than one cubic meter and require strict cleaning standards. FlexWashers use the agility of an integrated robot to move a HPWD tool around a fixed part, or the part around a fixed HPWD tool. In either case high pressure water is able to reach most areas of both simple and complex parts from the optimum angle with a combination of accuracy and proximity that is unmatched by competitive systems. The result is an industry-leading Six Sigma cleaning quality rating, achieved at a lower cost; resulting in fewer defects and part reworking, and higher overall quality.
"A recent study by an automotive customer comparing ABB FlexWasher technology with their existing ultrasonic, injection flood and traditional fixed nozzle washers showed overall cost savings in the 80 percent to 90 percent range,? said Nielsson. "Millipore tests also showed significant reduction in contaminants as the parts got 2 to 7 times cleaner than with traditional washer technology".
The FlexWasher W30 and W40 systems are specifically designed for a wide range of general industrial applications such as:
– Engine manufacturers: for products ranging from lawnmowers and ATVs to agriculture equipment, aircraft and aerospace.
– Foundries: for the removal of the investment casting shell, de-coring of hollow parts and cleaning of sand casting parts.
– Machined parts: for the removal of burrs and cleaning of coolant and cutting oil.
– Assembled parts: for the exterior cleaning of transmission oil.
– Overhaul and repair parts: for cleaning difficult-to-remove dirt and used aerospace parts.
The three FlexWasher Systems are profiled for small, medium and large operations. FlexWasher W30 is the ideal solution for production environments with restricted floor space and where the process only requires a single high pressure water deburring (HPWD) nozzle configuration. It consists of an IRB 1600 robot with a single nozzle HPWD tool and optional dry cannons to dry the part with compressed air. FlexWasher W40 is a modular system, ideal for production with different part styles and geometries that require a configuration with different styles of high pressure water deburring (HPWD) nozzles. It consists of a main booth with vertical part entry and exit doors, an IRB 6640 Foundry Prime robot with gripper and stationary HPWD nozzles. FlexWasher W50 is a fully equipped system with a built-in pre-rinse and drying chamber, also ideal for different part styles and geometries that require a configuration using mixed styles of high pressure water deburring (HPWD) nozzles. It consists of a pre-rinse chamber, a main booth and a drying chamber. The main booth is equipped with an IRB 6640 Foundry Prime robot with gripper and stationary HPWD nozzles.
All ABB FlexWashers? use the innovative Foundry Prime robots which are specifically designed to work in harsh water deburring and parts washing environments without the need for complex external protective covering against heat, water and contaminants. The robot can clean areas that are unreachable for other less flexible equipment. If the robot holds the part, the part can also be manipulated to improve water drainage.