This Wheelabrator system removes surface contaminants from wire in coil form for fastener and spring manufacturers, steel companies and wire suppliers that must maximize their cleaning needs.
Posted: March 26, 2010
This Wheelabrator machine is used to remove surface contaminants such as mill and heat treat scale from the surfaces of wire in coil form. Fastener and spring manufacturers, steel companies and wire suppliers are some of the key customers that utilize this piece of equipment to maximize their cleaning needs.
The main features of the totally enclosed system include double or single swing door configuration, fold-in oscillating mandrel and as a pitless design (convenient for ground level installations). EZEFIT® blast wheel technology also allows the use of various wheel configurations that ensure long wheel life coupled with effective cleaning and low cycle times.
One of its main features, the single or double swing door, incorporates a space-saving design which simplifies material handling. The articulating mandrel arm with special lifters is designed to fold within the profile of the cabinet door, providing easy access for smooth material transfers. Clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation of the mandrel and lifters provides continuous separation of the wire coils, for maximum blast coverage. Mandrels are available in 10 ft (3 m), 13 ft (4m) and 15 ft (4.5 m) in length, each driven by a direct motor and controlled by a variable frequency inverter for oscillation control.
Several advantages of using a bulk coil shot blast descaling system are no uncoiling of the wire for processing, easy to load and unload, short processing times, and ground level operation (no pit or basement required). The main advantages are that it is a highly sustainable, highly productive, machine ultimately contributing to relatively low maintenance costs for customers.
Wheelabrator Group, www.wheelabratorgroup, e-mail: