Studer Wins Prodex Award with Radically New Software
“StuderTechnology” from United Grinding Technologies independently determines the necessary central data in cylindrical grinding to reduce the overall machining time by up to 50 percent while producing fewer bad parts and consuming less energy and auxiliary materials.
Posted: April 25, 2013
“StuderTechnology” from United Grinding Technologies independently determines the necessary central data in cylindrical grinding to reduce the overall machining time by up to 50 percent while producing fewer bad parts and consuming less energy and auxiliary materials.
United Grinding Technologies (UGT; Miamisburg, OH) announced that Fritz Studer AG has won first place in this year’s Prodex Award competition with a software solution enhancing the man/machine interface that helps to radically facilitate the operation of cylindrical grinding machines — component quality, unit costs, machining time, energy efficiency – all important production processes benefit enormously.
The requirements on industrial production processes are increasingly enormously. Newly designed components are appearing in ever-faster succession, and at the same time the number of component variants is increasing. This has consequences for the machine operator who must set up the resulting changing production sequences as quickly as possible and without errors.
When complex processes such as cylindrical grinding are involved, this task is particularly demanding. More than 300 machine parameters often determine the machining process. Against this background it is no surprise that first place in this year’s Prodex Award went to a software program: “StuderTechnology.” With this new program, the operation of a cylindrical grinding machine is made considerably easier. Many of the usual settings are made for the operator.
“We are delighted with this award”, says Fred Gaegauf, the chairman of the Management Board at Studer. “On the one hand, it confirms how important this topic is in the view of many experts. And on the other hand it shows that our technology actually represents a huge step forward in the operation of cylindrical grinding machines.”
The basic principle of the program, which was developed jointly with the software specialists from MCS AG, is can be simply explained: “StuderTechnology” independently determines the necessary central data in cylindrical grinding. “The principle can be compared to that of modern cameras. They determine many important values such as focal distance or exposure themselves and automatically ensure a high quality image”, explains Erhard Kämpf, the head of the Form and Thread Grinding Department. “StuderTechnology” does a similar sort of thing.”