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Advanced Tooling for Demanding Part Machining

New milling chucks and other toolholding innovations from REGO-FIX Tool showcase advanced tooling systems that bring precision, strength and ease of use to demanding part machining applications.

Posted: October 30, 2013

The reCool® cooling system from REGO-FIX.
The secuRgrip® antipullout system from REGO-FIX.

ReCool®, secuRgrip®, PG6 and new milling chucks and other toolholding innovations take center stage at REGO-FIX Tool Corporation (Indianapolis, IN), which offers new low-cost retrofit solution for the internal cooling of driven tools along with showcasing advanced tooling systems that bring precision, strength and ease of use to demanding part machining applications.

Users seeking an affordable, low-maintenance solution for extending the tool life of their milling cutters and drills must check out the new reCool cooling system that allows manufacturers to retrofit their driven tools to be able to benefit from internal or peripheral cooling, which is much more effective in getting coolant to the cutting edge when compared to spray pipes or nozzles. Visitors will also see the powRgrip toolholding collet system as well as the secuRgrip anti-pull system and slim-nose PG6 toolholder, which are both new options for powRgrip.

A demonstration of the reCool cooling system.

For added confidence when machining expensive, tough materials in high material-removal applications, the secuRgrip antipullout system locks in collets and cutters. This specially designed toolholder eliminates cutter slippage by providing tremendous gripping strength in conjunction with a patented locking key system and threaded cap. secuRgrip does not require the purchase of expensive specially modified end mills, but rather makes use of existing standard carbide or HSS end mill designs.

The standard ground notches found on most Weldon-type end mills readily accept secuRgrip’s locking key insert for fast, easy assembly. The secuRgrip system is applicable for use with PG 25 or PG 32 holders in all tapers, including CAT, BT, TC, HSK, CAPTO and dual contact REGO PLUS. Licensed by BIG Daishowa, REGO PLUS products are compatible with all BIG PLUS spindles.

A demonstration of the secuRgrip antipullout system.

Visitors working with high-precision applications will want to check out the PG6 toolholder, which has a run-out accuracy of less than three microns and easily accesses tight, difficult-to-reach features in small complex parts. As the smallest toolholder in the powRgrip product series, PG6 has a minimal outside diameter of 0.4 in and a clamping diameter from 0.008 in to 0.125 in that provides less tool interference, machine tight pockets and delivers high levels of productivity.

New REGO-FIX milling chucks are designed to provide the least possible amount of run-out and highest possible gripping force available from a milling chuck. Ideal for roughing and finishing, these milling chucks provide unbeatable concentricity of 0.0004 in at 4 x diameter and can be reduced with sleeves for versatility to match the tool with the specific machining application at hand. Helical internal slots and extra thick walls help ensure durability, long working lives and smooth clamping.

Furthermore, the multi-seal design of the chucks helps keep dirt and debris out and seals the system for coolant through applications. Milling chuck nuts seat positively against holder body bases to reduce the risk of over tightening and increase holder rigidity and stability. The roller bearing cages of the holders incorporate alternating patterns that distribute clamping forces evenly around cutting tools to ensure the best possible

T.I.R. and system repeatability from clamp to clamp. Milling chucks work in CAT 40, CAT 50, BT-40 and HSK 63A spindles in sizes ranging from 0.75 in to 1.25 in, while milling chuck sleeves accommodate tool diameters from 0.250 in to 1.00 in. www.rego-fix.com

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