Direct Drive Servo Former Presses
AIDA-America offers DSF presses for producing pipe flange parts, difficult drawing applications, blanking and other stamping operations.
Posted: November 13, 2013
AIDA-America (Dayton, OH) has three Direct Drive Servo Former Presses (DSF Series) on display in Booth S-4625. Each of the AIDA DSF Series Servo Presses feature a different demonstration, including tooling and parts production. One of the demonstrations features an AIDA DSF-N2-3000 300 ton straightside servo press, recently purchased by and courtesy of Jagemann Stamping (Manitowoc, WI).
In cooperation with Formtek/CWP and Pax Products, with material provided by Heidtman Steel Products, the DSF-N2-3000 Servo Press will be producing a pipe flange part from 4.5 mm thick, 120 mm wide material via a progressive die operation.r Press from AIDA-America.
Additionally, AIDA, in cooperation with Hyson Products and making use of their servo die cushion, is displaying the advantages of using a DSF Series Servo press for a difficult drawing application.
Also on display is an HSLA blanking operation that highlights the ability of a DSF Series Servo press to dramatically reduce reverse tonnage. Company representatives will be at the booth to explain how AIDA DSF Series Servo Presses can greatly improve the productivity of your stamping operations.