ITA Launches the Titanium Resource Center
The International Titanium Association recently launched their website platform, the Titanium Resource Center.
Posted: January 27, 2014
The Titanium Resource Center has been produced under the support of the International Titanium Association (Northglenn, CO), using their website platform provided by The Titanium Resource Center is already populated with hundreds of listings, many of them enhanced to attract increased attention.
Procurement agents, raw materials suppliers, companies selling products and services to the titanium industry, and more may now view over 500 categories. A simple click on one of the categories leads to a page with numerous companies that have selected that category for their listing.
For buyers looking for companies that belong to the International Titanium Association, the online guide proves especially helpful. Every ITA member is identified for easy reference.
If you are a current Member of the International Titanium Association, you are eligible to receive a basic line listing in the Titanium Resource Center for free. Low-cost enhanced listings are also available to Non-Members of the ITA.