Ipsen Cares About Community
Ipsen maintains a valued tradition of supporting the communities in which its team members live and work.
Posted: February 20, 2014
Ipsen (Cherry Valley, IL), founded in 1948, supports a wide variety of thermal processing markets. But the company is not solely about big business. Ipsen also maintains a valued tradition of supporting the communities in which its team members live and work.
“One of Ipsen’s Core Values is to aspire to greatness in both character and performance. The people at Ipsen constantly make me proud of their commitment to care for the success and well-being of their company, communities and co-workers. They recognize that we have a responsibility to the community, as well as to the market. As a company, Ipsen is thrilled to have such engaged team members who demonstrate great character, working together to help empower their communities,” said Geoffrey Somary, president and chief executive officer of Ipsen USA.
In 2013 alone, the Ipsen teams raised nearly $300 for the American Heart Association through raffles in March and participated in AHA’s Wear Red Day in March, raising awareness of heart disease. They also enhanced the lives of more than 90 people through blood drives. In July, the Cherry Valley team donated blood to the RRVBC; in December, Souderton’s team donated blood to the Miller-Keystone Blood Bank
The teams also raised more than $500 for the American Cancer Society during October through raffles and bake sales and held a “Wear Pink” Day in October to raise breast cancer awareness. Ipsen teams contributed financially to UNICEF to help with water, sanitation and hygiene, health, nutrition, education and child protection needs in the Philippines after Typhoon Yolanda. While it’s not a local cause, this was meaningful to the Ipsen Team, which includes members who are from the Philippines.
The teams held Baskets of Hope drives to provide complete Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday feasts for five families in Rockford, Belvidere and Cherry Valley. Each family, selected by the organization Love Inc., included 5-8 people. Ipsen team members collected both food and monetary contributions and personally delivered the baskets to the families.
In November, a food drive was held in Souderton for the food pantry operated by the Bucks County Housing Group, resulting in 32 pounds of food donated. Gifts collected by the Souderton group through the Kelly Dolan Foundation helped two families who have children with disabilities.