Home / Ellison Technologies Automation Becomes Acieta

Ellison Technologies Automation Becomes Acieta

Two divisions combine to become a wholly-owned Mitsui U.S.A. standalone company with a focused approach on the growing use of robots in manufacturing, which is expected to grow five-fold over the next eight years.

Posted: March 27, 2014

On April 1, 2014, Ellison Technologies Automation (ET-A; Council Bluffs, IA) and Ellison Technologies Automation Wisconsin (ET-WI) will combine as one and transfer to Acieta, LLC (Acieta), a wholly-owned Mitsui U.S.A. (Mitsui) standalone company.

Reflecting on the transition, John Burg, the president of Ellison Technologies Automation, had the following remarks: “Looking back through the past 30 years as ET-A for five years and Automated Concepts, Inc. for 25 years, we made a significant impact in helping our customers solve their challenges and installed nearly 4,000 automation systems.”

He continued, “As a wholly owned Mitsui standalone company we look forward to the opportunity to help business with improving their total throughput by assisting them with their upstream and downstream processes. The use of robots in manufacturing is expected to grow five-fold over the next eight years; it will take a focused approach by Acieta to support the growth opportunity and share in the industry’s success.”

“What does this mean to you in how we conduct business beginning April 1, 2014 and beyond?” asked Burg. “Very little will change; you will need to change your records to show the new company name Acieta, LLC in place of Ellison Technologies Automation and you will need to change the email addresses you have for employees of Ellison Technologies Automation from – “first initial last name@ellisontechnologies.com” to – “first initial last name@acieta.com” (some exceptions may apply to the standard). Therefore, replace ellisontechnologies with acieta in the email address and you are all set.”

Burg announced, “Our entire organization is very excited about the future opportunities Acieta brings to our employees and their ability to deliver robotic automation systems to both existing and new customers. Acieta has a very aggressive business plan and we look forward to providing our customers expanded products and services which will grow our business with our supplier partners.”

He concluded his remarks by saying, “If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at this time. I would hope you will change you email address you for me to jburg@acieta.com as soon as possible but my jburg@ellisontechnologies.com address will forward to the new address for several months.”

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