Manufacturing Technology Orders Down in January
U.S. manufacturing technology orders were down 25.2 percent from December but up 1.3 percent compared to a year ago.
Posted: March 10, 2014
January U.S. manufacturing technology orders totaled $365.06 million according to AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology (McLean, VA). This total, as reported by companies participating in the USMTO program, was down 25.2 percent from December but up 1.3 percent when compared with the total of $360.31 million reported for January 2013.
These numbers and all data in this report are based on the totals of actual data reported by companies participating in the USMTO program.
“While monthly order totals are down from December, January is always a soft month and more so this year due to an unusually harsh winter. Overall the news for manufacturing remains positive, with an improving housing market and strong indicators for near-term capital investment,” said Douglas K. Woods, the president of AMT. “We are still optimistic for a strong 2014 and 2015 for manufacturing technology orders, especially as we move through an IMTS year.”
The United States Manufacturing Technology Orders (USMTO) report, compiled by the trade association representing the production and distribution of manufacturing technology, provides regional and national U.S. orders data of domestic and imported machine tools and related equipment. Analysis of manufacturing technology orders provides a reliable leading economic indicator as manufacturing industries invest in capital metalworking equipment to increase capacity and improve productivity.
Note: AMT’s intent is to always provide timely and accurate economic reports to our community. For this reason, we are making an adjustment to the USMTO report. Due to a change in survey participants the year over year comparison number for Metal Forming and Fabricating is not an accurate reflection of the data. We have adjusted the data for the past 12 months to take this change into consideration. The new chart reflects a consistent year over year comparison of the data at the current participation level.
U.S. manufacturing technology orders are also reported on a regional basis for six geographic breakdowns of the United States:
Northeast Region
Manufacturing technology orders in the Northeast Region in January were up 7.8 percent when compared with January 2013.
Southeast Region
At $37.36 million, January Southeast Region manufacturing technology orders were down 17.8 percent from December’s $45.46 million but up 8.9 percent when compared with last January’s $34.30 million.
North Central-East Region
January manufacturing technology orders in the North Central-East Region totaled $92.84 million a 32.3 percent drop from December’s $137.12 million and 9.5 percent less than the $102.62 million for January 2013.
North Central-West Region
The North Central-West Region January 2014 manufacturing technology order total of $55.71 million was off 18.2 percent from the $68.14 million tallied in January 2013.
South Central Region
South Central Region manufacturing technology orders in January 2014 totaled $51.57 million.
West Region
Manufacturing technology orders in the West Region in January were up 11.5 percent from December and up 93.7 percent when compared with January a year ago.
AMT represents and promotes U.S.-based manufacturing technology and its members — those who design, build, sell, and service the continuously evolving technology that lies at the heart of manufacturing. Founded in 1902 and based in Virginia, the association specializes in providing targeted business assistance, extensive global support, and business intelligence systems and analysis.
AMT is the voice that communicates the importance of policies and programs that encourage research and innovation, and the development of educational initiatives to create tomorrow’s Smartforce. AMT owns and manages IMTS – The International Manufacturing Technology Show, which is the premier manufacturing technology event in North America. The USMTO report is compiled by AMT and all data in the report is based on the totals of actual data reported by companies participating in the USMTO program.