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Pre-Squared Tool Steel Reduces Labor Costs

With the idea of cutting overhead costs always, Accu-Square™ tool steel from Diehl Steel reduces the need for further squaring of the blocks to save time in tool, die and mold making.

Posted: July 1, 2014

Accu-Square™ tool steel comes pre-squared on all six sides to a tolerance range of the customer’s choosing.

Accu-Square™ pre-squared tool steel from Diehl Steel Company (Cincinnati, OH) saves tool, die and mold maker’s time by reducing or eliminating the need for further squaring of the blocks. It comes pre-squared on all six sides to a tolerance range of the customer’s choosing.

Accu-Square is designed to help companies save time and cut costs. “While my peers didn’t believe it, the cost of having Diehl do the squaring for me was less than doing it in-house,” says Ken Seilkop, the chief executive officer of the parent company of A-G Tool and Die (Cleves, OH), Seilkop Industries (Cincinnati, OH), a long time user of Accu-Square.

Diehl offers tool steel, alloy steel, high speed steel, carbon steel, powder metal products, stainless steel and aluminum block to tool and die makers. The company offers an extensive inventory and in-stock items are typically shipped in 48 hours to 72 hours.

Diehl Steel is an international supplier of quality tool steel, alloy steel, CPM powder metal, mold steel, carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum products and services. The company offers standard and custom cut and machined sizes of flats, bars, squares, sheets, plates, drill rod, hollow bar and rounds.

With its unique Accu-Square process, the company can square metal block to toolmaker tolerances. Diehl Steel focuses on serving the rapid turn-around needs of the tool and die, mold shop, machine shop, and OEMs, typically shipping in-stock items in 24 hours to 48 hours.

Diehl Steel Company, 800 Ross Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45217, Fax: 513-242-8988, 513-242-8900, www.DiehlSteel.com.

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