Detroit-Windsor Bridge is Welcome News for Fabricators
The $2 billion project will create more than $100 million in equipment market activity on both sides of the border and directly support more than 150 equipment distribution sector jobs.
Posted: February 20, 2015
Associated Equipment Dealers, Inc. (AED; Oak Brook, IL) president and chief executive officer Brian McGuire issued the following statement in response to the announcement on February 18 that the U.S. and Canadian governments had reached an agreement to clear the way for construction of the New International Trade Crossing (NITC) bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario. AED is the trade association representing U.S. and Canadian construction equipment distributors. Since 2012, AED has led coalition efforts in Washington, D.C. to urge the project’s final approval.
“The announcement that construction of the new Detroit-Windsor bridge can finally get underway is welcome news. AED estimates the $2 billion project will create more than $100 million in equipment market activity on both sides of the border and directly support more than 150 equipment distribution sector jobs. The bridge also has important implications for the U.S.-Canada trade relationship and for the distribution and manufacturing sectors on both sides of the border. We hope President Obama and Prime Minister Harper will build on the momentum and look for other opportunities to improve cross-border infrastructure and enhance the efficiency of the North American economy.”
AED is an international trade association representing companies involved in the distribution, rental, and support of equipment used in construction, mining, energy, forestry, power generation, agriculture, and industrial applications.