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Fives Cincinnati Official Appointed to Workforce Board

Bill Weier has been appointed to the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board.

Posted: August 31, 2015

Bill Weier, Fives Cincinnati
 "Staff development is a social issue, an economic issue and a national security issue that we take seriously. It is vital for companies like us, because it takes years to develop the skills and knowledge required to thrive in computer-driven manufacturing. We believe we know what it takes to succeed, and we are anxious to help guide KWIB to its goal."

Kentucky governor Steve Beshear has appointed Bill Weier, the human resources director at Fives Cincinnati (Hebron, KY), to the newly reconstituted Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board (KWIB). Weier is one of several new board members representing the state’s manufacturing sector and he will serve a term that expires June 2018.

The KWIB overarching goal is “to build a workforce in Kentucky that companies cannot wait to hire,” according the governor. The board is to develop recommendations for strategically aligning the state’s workforce, economic and educational systems, business and labor, and elected officials so that workers acquire the skills and credentials that businesses need to compete and create jobs in Kentucky.

Fives Group is a nationally recognized workforce-development leader that invests heavily in training for all levels of its staff, from trade-school apprentices to senior management. “Staff development is a social issue, an economic issue and a national security issue that we take seriously,” said Weier. “It is vital for companies like us, because it takes years to develop the skills and knowledge required to thrive in computer-driven manufacturing. We believe we know what it takes to succeed, and we are anxious to help guide KWIB to its goal.”

Fives starts employee development early by hosting high-school tech campers from area universities. “It’s important to influence career choices early,” said Kevin Lichtenberg, the vice president and general manager for U.S. operations at Fives. The company also participated in the recent White House Upskill Summit, a national initiative launched by President Obama.

Fives is currently paying salary and tuition for 12 apprentices who work and attend Gateway Community and Technical College, and has invested more than $2 million in the nationally featured program since 2005. “We have valuable experience to share with KWIB, and high hopes for Kentucky workers,” added Lichtenberg.


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