Keystone Pipeline Decision Brings Disappointment
Metals service centers respond to Obama’s decision to reject the TransCanada application.
Posted: December 17, 2015
The president and chief executive officer of the Metals Service Center Institute (MSCI; Rolling Meadows, IL), M. Robert Weidner, III, issued the following statement on President Barack Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL Pipeline:
“MSCI is deeply disappointed with the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada’s application for the Keystone XL Pipeline project. This project was supported by a majority of the American people and was found by the State Department to have a negligible effect on the environment. It also would have created tens of thousands of well-paying jobs.
Weidner also commented, “Insufficient pipeline capacity, caused, in part, by delays in permitting for new pipeline construction, contributes to increased energy prices and market volatility. The White House’s rejection is a huge missed opportunity to help secure the United States’ energy future.”