Americans Helping Americans in Contract Machining and Fabrication
A unique new website connects smaller job shops with serious buyers.
Posted: May 12, 2016
All American Open Machine Time, LLC (AAOMT; Cleveland, OH) has launched, a start-up enterprise based in Cleveland that offers a new website concept developed by John Benadum, a former machine shop owner, machinist and sales engineer to provide an affordable advertising and introduction service for American contract manufacturers.
This revolutionary way to establish new customer relationships is actually taken from the old style of physically calling on a prospective customer and providing the groundwork for a meaningful exchange of information. Many other sites offer mindless bidding on projects without ever getting to develop the supplier/customer rapport, but Benadum prefers the old way much better. “Emails, Tweets and Twitters have their place, but there is nothing like a good old fashioned phone call and an actual meeting that cements a relationship,” he says.
Being an All American venue promotes a lasting camaraderie as well. There are thousands of machines sitting idle, hence the name “Open Machine Time.” Those machines need to be at capacity. AAOMT offers an intuitive program that will drive the site to become a major conduit to put American suppliers together with a multitude of buyers.
The company is also partnered with to help bring American manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. To view Benadum’s latest blog, please click here.
Inquiring engineering minds, buyers and purchasing agents have free and easy access to all the 36 category listings on the site. No registration is required to view the member/subscribers information. All of the posted machine and process pictures, manufacturing skills and company contact information are assembled in an orderly precise format (a mini-website) for a quick and easy overview. The goal is to deliver an easy and affordable way to establish a “virtual handshake” and provide the necessary information to promote healthy business relationships.
For a limited time, AAOMT offers a no-obligation, totally free listing for qualified U.S. contract shops and manufacturing service companies. The subscriber simply provides the information to Benadum via email, or they can opt to use their own existing website to allow for the copy of pictures and text by him and he will do the editing and upload for them. A phone call consultation is encouraged as well.
Once the categories are fully populated, the company will aggressively use SEO technology and marketing to attract prospects to the new website. AAOMT is hosted by GoDaddy and uses PayPal for member purchases to certify a rapid and secure experience. For more information and details, please click here.