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CCAI Accepting National Scholarship Applications

These must be approved for awards from the 2018 Matt Heuertz Scholarship Program in industrial finishing and surface coating technologies.

Posted: January 16, 2018

Several 2017 Scholarship Award winners received their check from CCAI executive director Anne Goyer (third from left) and vice president of sales and education Bruce Bryan (third from right).

Over the past several years, the Chemical Coaters Association International (CCAI; Taylor Mill, KY) has awarded scholarship money from the CCAI Matt Heuertz Scholarship Program to students who are currently enrolled in programs that could lead to a career in the finishing industry. The primary objective of this program is to encourage advanced education in finishing technologies. CCAI’s National Office is now accepting applications for their 2018 Matt Heuertz Scholarship Program. Awards will be announced in June at their 2018 Annual Meeting in Sarasota, FL.

Education is the foundation of CCAI’s mission. This scholarship program attracts bright new talent to the industrial finishing and surface coating technologies industry. The scholarship program is sustained by the National CCAI and donations from their chapters. “We are actively investing in our industry’s future,” states CCAI executive director Anne Goyer. “We have had an outstanding group of students who have received our scholarships over the past several years and many have found employment in the finishing industry. We’re committed to continuing to support students and leading them to a career in finishing.”

CCAI also created a Careers in Finishing Guide for anyone interested in learning more about the variety of opportunities available in our industry.” This guide can be downloaded by clicking here and printed versions are available by contacting Kelly LeCount at kelly@goyermgt.com or 859-356-1030. Qualified candidate applications will be reviewed by the National CCAI Education Committee for the National Scholarship Program. Applications will also be sent to regional chapters that provide additional scholarship funding for students in their vicinity. Award amounts vary and are determined by the National Office.  Scholarship recipients will also receive a free one-year student membership in CCAI.

To view the criteria and selection process and to submit an application, visit their website and click on the EDUCATION tab, then scroll down to Scholarship Program.  Students must complete a CCAI National scholarship application; provide a transcript or other grade verification and a resume with photo. The application deadline is April 2, 2018.


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