Heavy Duty Inert Atmosphere Furnace for Heat Treating Turbine Components
The heavy duty No. 1039 inert atmosphere furnace from Grieve reaches 2,000 deg F by using ICA wire coils supported by vacuum-formed ceramic fiber installed on all interior surfaces, including the door and beneath the hearth.
Posted: February 9, 2018
Used for heat treating turbine components, No. 1039 from Grieve Corporation (Round Lake, IL) is a heavy duty 2,000 deg F (1,093 deg C) inert atmosphere furnace with workspace dimensions of 36 in W x 60 in D x 36 in H that generate 73 kW from ICA wire coils supported by vacuum-formed ceramic fiber installed on all interior surfaces, including the door and beneath the hearth. This inert atmosphere furnace has a roof-mounted, heat-resisting alloy circulating fan that is powered by a 1 hp motor with a V-belt drive, water cooled bearings and inert atmosphere shaft seal. Furnace features include 9 in thick insulated walls comprised of 5 in of 2,300 deg F ceramic fiber and 4 in of 1,900 deg F block insulation; 8½ in floor insulation comprised of 4½ in of 2,300 deg F firebrick and 4 in of 1,900 deg F block insulation.
Other features include a ¼ in plate exterior reinforced with structural steel and a ½ in steel face plate at the doorway with air-operated vertical lift door. Inert atmosphere construction includes a continuously welded outer shell, high temperature door gasket, sealed heater terminal boxes, inert atmosphere inlet, inert atmosphere outlet, inert atmosphere flow meter and manual gas valve. Controls on No. 1039 include a digital programming temperature controller, a manual reset excess temperature controller with separate contactors, paperless event recorder and SCR power controller.
Grieve also offers No. 1037, a 900 deg F (482 deg C) high temperature walk-in oven used for holding weldments at temperature before welding. Workspace dimensions of this oven measure 108 in W x 120 in L x 115 in H. Incoloy-sheathed tubular elements generate 300 kW to heat the oven chamber, while a 30,000 CFM, 30 hp recirculating blower provides front-to-rear airflow to the workload. This walk-in oven has 9 in insulated walls with an isolated inner oven completely surrounded by insulation to eliminate heat transfer. Features include an aluminized steel interior and exterior, inner and outer door gaskets. The inner gasket seals directly against the door plug and the outer gasket seals directly against a 3/8 in steel plate oven front. The oven has a 4 in insulated floor with hard points to support load. Controls on No. 1037 include a digital programming temperature controller and a manual reset excess temperature controller with separate contactors. Additional features include a recirculating blower air flow safety switch and a 10 in diameter circular chart recorder.
Grieve Corporation, 500 Hart Road, Round Lake, IL 60073-2835, 847-546-8225, Fax: 847-546-9210, sales@grievecorp.com, www.grievecorp.com.