Home / Consumables and Guns for Semi-Automatic and Robotic Welding

Consumables and Guns for Semi-Automatic and Robotic Welding

Bernard and Tregaskiss provide semi-automatic and robotic MIG gun and consumable solutions.

Posted: August 12, 2019

Booth B-23054: In live semi-automatic and robotic welding demonstrations, AccuLock S consumables from Bernard will be paired with Bernard semi-automatic MIG guns, power sources from Miller Electric and filler metals from Hobart.

In Booth B-23054, Bernard® (Beecher, IL) and Tregaskiss (Windsor, ON) will participate in live welding demonstrations of semi-automatic and robotic welding applications that showcase AccuLock™ S consumables paired with Bernard semi-automatic MIG guns, power sources from Miller Electric Mfg. LLC (Appleton, WI) and filler metals from Hobart Brothers LLC (Troy, OH). Both Bernard and Tregaskiss will have representatives available to answer questions about semi-automatic and robotic MIG gun and consumable solutions and provide information on their technical and product support.

Bernard, 449 West Corning Road, Beecher, IL 60401, 855-644-9353, Fax: 888-946-6726, info@bernardwelds.com, bernardwelds.com.

Tregaskiss, 2570 North Talbot Road, Windsor, ON, Canada, N0R 1L0, 855-644-9353, Fax: 877-737-2111, info@tregaskiss.com, tregaskiss.com.

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