Easy-to-Use Arm-Mounted Laser Scanner
Exact Metrology offers the RS6 laser scanner, which collects data at full speed regardless of part geometry, for use with the Absolute Arm cobot. The scanner is easily removed from the arm while probing and can be remounted in seconds with no time-wasting recalibration.
Posted: December 1, 2020
Hexagon’s RS6 laser scanner for the 7-axis Absolute Arm cobot is available from Exact Metrology (Brookfield, WI and Cincinnati, OH). The scanner uses systematic high-intelligence noise elimination (SHINE) technology to consistently provide accurate and repeatable measurements even on the most challenging surfaces; whether it’s a glossy black plastic automotive body part or a molded carbon-fiber component, the unit scans 1.2 million points/seconds at 300 Hz. SHINE also allows users to scan 99% of parts without touching the scanner exposure.
The scanner has a laser stripe of 150 mm at midrange and a visual guide that provides real time feedback for stand-off distance. That means the scanner has a three-times-faster frame rate and 30% wider laser stripe than other scanners.
The scanner has been tested with 3DReshaper Meteor; Apodius 3D Explorer, BendingStudio; Geomagic Design X, Control X, Wrap; Inspire; PC DMIS; Polyworks; and SpatialAnalyzer application software.