Home / Integrating and Maximizing the Shop Floor on Display at FABTECH 2023

Integrating and Maximizing the Shop Floor on Display at FABTECH 2023

CINCINNATI Inc., a leading machine tool manufacturer, will unveil the industry’s newest press brake technology this September in Chicago.

Posted: August 30, 2023

CINCINNATI will unveil its revolutionary press brake technology, XFORM, at FABTECH 2023.
XFORM, at FABTECH 2023 Booth # A4513
Nikki Stenzel, CINCINNATI Incorporated, FABTECH 2023, press brake, bending, welding, laser cutting, integrated welding, XFORM, metal forming, Matt Garbarino, ergonomic pendant arm
XFORM, at FABTECH 2023 Booth # A4513

September 11 holds a special place in the hearts of Americans. And CINCINNATI® Incorporated (CI) is proud to put its American Made spirit on full display at FABTECH September 11-14, 2023. Attendees will get a first-hand look at what the machine tool manufacturer has to offer in exhibit space A4513 in Chicago’s McCormick Place. Highlights include the introduction of CI’s innovative press brake series, the latest in bending, welding, and laser cutting along with demonstrations of the company’s fully integrated manufacturing process.

“Manufacturing floor space is at a premium and we’re helping our customers to maximize every square foot,” explained Marketing Manager, Nikki Stenzel. “Along with our latest bending, cutting, and integrated software offerings, attendees will be the first to witness the unveiling of CINCINNATI’s revolutionary press brake technology, XFORM. Big news from a company that has built its reputation as the industry’s metal forming authority.”

Press Brakes: Building on Tradition

Designed for the operator and built for the owner, CI’s new XFORM press brake incorporates exciting new technological and ergonomics features. While the company has consistently evolved press brake technology, what hasn’t changed is the proven construction and reliability on which CI machines have been built for decades. 

Matt Garbarino, Business Unit Leader, New Machinery, explained that the XFORM was created to not only advance functionality, but to simplify the buying process, “It’s all about more performance and less confusion,” said Garbarino. “People ask, what’s the difference between this or that press brake?  The XFORM changes all of this. Our machines boast the highest levels of speed and accuracy out of the box with functionality that was once optional is now standard.”  

XFORM’s new ergonomic pendant arm (Omni-Arm) and expanded console are especially significant. With extended reach, multiple pivot points, greater flexibility for positioning, rotation, and orientation, controls can be positioned anywhere in the workplace for greater operator efficiency. And with Dual 24” monitors, Full Screen Bend Simulation, Optional Rear and Front Camera View, USB Connectivity, Ethernet / WiFi / Bluetooth Compatibilities, and more, the machine’s new Human Machine Interface creates a highly efficient and interactive workstation environment. 

CI offers three variations of the machine ranging from the standard XFORM, XFORMe (An ecological hybrid design with operating efficiencies resulting in less oil usage and more energy savings) and XFORMc (A customized version). 

Laser Cutting: CLX 4020 

Laser cutting thicker metals is a growing priority and CI is giving manufacturers plenty to think about in terms of performance and automation. Show attendees can see the company’s CLX 4020 fiber laser at work along with a gas mixing device for processing thicker metals. Highly scalable, configurable, and capable of full or semi-automation, the system is adaptable to meet the production and floor space requirements of virtually any manufacturer. 

Laser Automation: MARCH 500 CORE 

Automation is becoming increasingly critical in the wake of labor shortages, increased demand, and other industry challenges. Laser operators spend an inordinate amount of time loading and unloading materials and separating parts. CI is bringing to the show the new MARCH 500 CORE which offers an automated load/unload system for stand-alone or lights-out production as well as support for manufacturers who are not fully automated. 

Bending & Welding: Easy Automation 

While automation is top of mind for many smaller manufacturers, the cost of entry can be high. Cobotic arms increase efficiency and allow a single operator to run multiple press brake or welding applications simultaneously.  

“With low-code programming, CI’s EZ Bend™ and EZ Weld™ ease the transition to automation allowing manufacturers to incorporate bending and welding automation easily and at a comfortable price point.” states Ryan Lemmel, Business Unit Leader – After Sales, “What’s more, users don’t need to be an engineer, master programmer, or manipulate 3D models to begin taking advantage of automation.” 

Software: Seamless Connectivity 

CI ties it all together with an integrated smart manufacturing environment extending throughout shop floor equipment and applications to front office ERP/MRP systems.  According to Software Product Manager, Mark Watson, this highly automated approach frees the manufacturer from unnecessary programming, accelerates production, and maintains the digital thread throughout the process.  

“It’s all about automation and connectivity,” said Watson. “We’re providing a start to finish approach from an ERP demand. When a manufacturer knows what needs to be produced from their ERP, we can automatically nest, schedule and balance the workload across all equipment. And when the parts are produced, they are inspected for quality. Finally at the end of the cycle the results are fed back to the ERP system quickly – all without manual input.” 

The integrated CI environment allows manufacturers to leverage real-time machine data to maximize production, anticipate problems, and take advantage of opportunities. 

“Your machines are talking are you listening? Machines can tell you what’s happening with them. Whether it’s to give somebody the opportunity to manage the process right now and solve a problem that might be occurring or giving them data so they can make data-driven decisions and find those hidden gems.” 

InspXt™ Measuring System 

Quality is job 1 for any manufacturer and the CI InspXt Measuring System ensures that parts that fail to meet quality standards or customer specifications do not leave the cutting station. InspXt inspects parts for tolerance deviations, flaws, and anomalies more accurately than visual systems currently on the market. But it doesn’t stop there, InspXt connects with the CI scheduling system and failed parts are recut on the laser with the proper dimensions – all without manual intervention. 

See for Yourself 

Anyone looking to enhance your entire shop floor should make it a point to see what CINCINNATI has to offer. The company will showcase its complete solution (exhibit space A4513) each day of the Fabtech show on the hour from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The demonstration begins with an assembly solid model, split that into laser and press brake programs, and move to the machines for processing then inspection.  

About CINCINNATI, Incorporated 

Cincinnati Incorporated (CI) is a U.S.-based, build-to-order machine tool manufacturer with over 125 years in the industry. Our engineering and manufacturing expertise makes us the ideal partner for companies building innovative products that demand extraordinary durability, stability, and industry-leading features.  At our state-of-the-art, Ohio-based facility, we develop and build custom software, dependable laser cutting systems and automation equipment as well as metal fabrication equipment, including press brakes, shears, and PM presses. Our extensive knowledge puts us in a unique position to help drive efficiency in your manufacturing process no matter how simple or complex. 


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