Superior Shrink-fit Technology
Powerful, precise and reliable shrink-fit tool holders secure cutting tools to enable highly accurate and top speed machining.
Posted: September 29, 2023
Advances in shrink-fit machines support high volume users that implement and benefit from the advantages of digital connectivity between tools and machines.
Shrink-fit Machine Cools Regardless of the Outside Contour
The HAIMER USA, LLC (Villa Park, IL) Power Clamp Air i4.0 Eco is a high performance shrink-fit machine with integrated cooling for all tools (solid carbide and HSS). It is perfectly suitable for a reliable shrinking and cooling process of shrink-fit collets and tool holders. Smooth and clean cooling of all kinds of tool holders or collets by air — without dirt and water residue. When shrinking collets or tool holders the scanner reads shrinking parameters from data-matrix codes to assure trouble free operation and efficiency.
Other great features include:
- Network-compatible and Industry 4.0-ready for communication on the shop floor
- 7”-Touch-Display with new intuitive software for simplified usability
- Perfectly suitable and designed for: shrink-fit collets and tool holders with a variety of wall thicknesses
- The Intelligent NG coil has length adjusting adaptability and has two heating zones, allowing for even and efficient heating across the nose of the shrink fit chuck
- Contour independent air cooling with temperature control
- Pneumatic brake of cooling hood with release-by-touch
System Heat-shrinks and Measures Tools to Within 10 Microns

ZOLLER Inc.’s (Ann Arbor, MI) newest solution automates the time-consuming process of assembling, measuring and disassembling tools for machining. The »roboBox« is the only solution that can pull, assemble and heat-shrink tool components and measure complete tools autonomously, paving the way for 24/7, lights-out machining.
Tools and tool holders are fed into the machine manually or automatically via a tool cart or transport system. The »roboBox« handles the rest, providing a full tool assembly in about three minutes — a fraction of the time averaged by a human operator.
The »roboBox« deploys ZOLLER’s unique technology to automatically preset tool length, and the machine can handle the assembly of tools with many different clamping systems, including heat-shrinking. For heat-shrink assembly, the »roboBox« lowers an induction coil onto the tool holder to heat it. The shank tool is then inserted and quickly cooled — all automatically.
Data such as diameter, length, radius and angle of the cutting edge, and radial and axial runout can also be measured in automated sequences. Automatic taper cleaning removes dirt, oil and grease from tool holders, and highly pressurized air cleans cutting edges prior to measuring to guarantee the »roboBox« balances tools within an accuracy of 10 microns.
Starting next year, ZOLLER will take the »roboBox« on a roadshow leading up to IMTS 2024. Demos will be offered at partner sites and ZOLLER locations across the U.S. and Canada to provide a first-hand look at this groundbreaking technology. Details will be announced at
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