TIG Welding Just Got Easier with Dynasty and Maxstar
Miller has just released its new Dynasty® 400 and 800, and Maxstar® 400 machines, which are optimized and equipped with several innovative upgrades.
Posted: June 26, 2024

Now every welding operator can get the job done easier with a little help from state-of-the-art technology. That’s why Miller® has just released its new Dynasty 400 & 800 and Maxstar 400 machines that are optimized and equipped with:
- Simple, precise arc control that makes it easier than ever to create the perfect weld
- An intuitive LCD interface that puts precision capabilities at welders’ fingertips
- No hidden menus to easily adjust settings and see the impact of parameter adjustments in real time
See how these innovative upgrades on the Miller Dynasty 400 & 800 and Miller Maxstar 400 eliminate barriers that used to stand in the way of achieving complex welds.
Dynasty TIG Welders: Reimagined for Your Pursuit of Perfection
Unleash more capabilities, take on more complex jobs, and consistently produce quality welds. The unrivaled performance of the Miller Dynasty now features the most intuitive user interface.
Users will experience the unrivaled precision arc performance they’ve come to expect from the Dynasty, now paired with an intuitive, user-friendly interface that puts advanced capabilities at their fingertips.
Dynasty TIG power sources help minimize error and achieve high-precision welds every time, making the best welders even better.
Tune into the Weld: Maxstar TIG Welders

From field construction to precision fabrication, increased arc control reduces operating costs.
QuietPulse is activated by changing the wave shape during DC pulse welding, creating a slower, more fluid transition between the background and peak amperage to create the least possible audible noise.
Pulse DC TIG welding is notoriously LOUD. Pulsing at a high pulses per second creates a distinctive “buzzing” sound that can be very distracting, especially in environments where there are multiple operators.
QuietPulse Technology turns down the volume on the distracting sound that comes with pulsing so you can tune into the weld and focus on the job at hand.