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Robotic Laser Welding and Cutting Meets Demands for High Accuracy
Pre-engineered with offline programming capabilities and tools for automatic TCP calibration, work objects and positioner base frames that match various part sizes, geometries and production volumes, the IRB 2400 robot from ABB Robotics laser welds and laser cuts using world-class motion control and path performance.
Laser Welding Cell Forgives Imperfections
Getting started with laser welding is now easier than ever before thanks to tolerant laser welding with FusionLine technology from TRUMPF that allows for the welding of components with gaps for even simpler operation.
Making Robots “Tick” for Your Operations
One robot on its own can make a difference in production efficiency. But many shops are realizing how – although what makes one robot “tick” will most likely vary from another – the use of multiple robots in conjunction with each other and/or peripheral technologies can further improve efficiency and accelerate payback.
Lincoln Electric Promotes Automation Executive
Mike Whitehead is now senior vice president and president of automation solutions in their Americas Welding segment.
Lincoln Electric Acquires Coldwater Machine and Pro Systems
This deal advances their automation strategy in aerospace and appliance end market applications.
Visual Inspection of Root Pass Weld Bead Inside a Welded Pipe
Serimax uses Xiris visual inspection and laser measurement technology in the orbital welding of offshore oil and gas pipes.
Polarity Reversing Saves Pipe Welding Time and Money on the Jobsite
Using Quick-Select technology that automatically selects correct polarity, lead outputs and weld parameters, the new XMT 350 FieldPro system with Polarity Reversing from Miller Electric eliminates the need to manually swap leads between welding processes.
Battery-Powered, Rail-Mounted Tractors for Mechanized MIG/MAG Welding
ESAB offers the Railtrac B42V rail-mounted tractor with a new weaving unit and the compact Miggytrac B501 battery-operated tractor for flexible and consistent mechanized welding of long and even not-so-long joints and seams.
Universal Robots Celebrates Milestone
December marks their ten-year anniversary of selling the world’s first commercially viable collaborative robot.
Lincoln Electric Acquires Inovatech Engineering
This deal advances their automation strategy in structural steel fabrication.
Remote Monitoring of All Open Arc Welding Processes
The rugged XVC-1000e weld camera from Xiris monitors MIG/MAG, TIG, plasma, laser or stick welding in exceptional detail from up to 100 m away.
Well Handled Operations: An Easy Path to Profitability
Shops are revisiting the use of material handling robots or human-collaborative robot (cobot) utilization for fulfilling diverse tasks with efficiency and accuracy – two things that are sometimes hard to find in human workers because of the growing skills gap.