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MacroAir Ceases Manufacturing Agreement With 4Front Industries
By granting the company a license to manufacture its own line of high volume, low speed (HVLS) fans under the Kelley and Serco brands, MacroAir will also stop manufacturing HVLS fans on behalf of Kelley and Serco.
New Preventive Maintenance and Service Program for Magnetic Equipment
This new program is designed to assist customers with maintaining their magnetic equipment, including corporate or regulatory audits and ertification, service and repairs and operations staff training.
Metalworking Fluid Manufacturer Will Buy Year’s Supply of Fluids
CIMCOOL is going to buy a year’s supply, up to a maximum value of $10,000, of their fluids for one lucky winner.
Bunting Magnetics Names Donald Lindstrom as Magnet Applications General Manager
Lindstrom is responsible for custom magnet design and manufacturing operation, serving manufacturers in North America and Europe with magnet design, prototyping and testing, and subassemblies.
Trico Adds German Uzcategui to Business Development Team
Uzcategui will further clarify Trico’s understanding of international customer requirements for products and services, and will focus on product level transactions between US exporters and international customers.
Clean Grinding Oils Increase Quality, Decrease Cost
This modular micro-filtration system with Vomat FA-series high-performance filter technology is a critical part of any metal processing operation.
LifeCycle Engineering Services Unit Formed to Increase OEE of Customers’ Critical Systems
The new business offers a range of services that includes diagnostics, education/training, system design, installation, monitoring and repair/rebuild.
Next Generation OEE: Better Information = Better Shop Floor Control
Too often management invests in wiring machines to a central server for uptime and downtime reporting on the machines. These systems are relatively inexpensive and produce colorful dash boards, but may not reveal the reason for the downtime. Knowing the “who, what, why” is more important than just the “where and when.”
Connectivity from the Sensor Level to the Business Intelligence Level
The e-F@ctory Alliance Program from Mitsubishi Electric Automation is a third-party referencing program with other automation hardware and software vendors that allows customers to select solutions that best solve their automation challenges.
Slow Off the Mark: LED Technology in the Factory
While LED technology has been available for a number of years and is more efficient than other light offerings, it has not caught on as quickly as advocates hoped. This new LED fixture from Big Ass Fans addresses the issues that have caused industrial and commercial spaces to be slow in adopting the lighting technology.
Mitsubishi Electric Automation Launches Energy Website for Manufacturers
This energy microsite has been created to help facility managers, plant managers, sustainability mangers and others within the manufacturing sector meet their aggressive energy reduction goals.