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Next Generation Waterjet Nozzles Improve Precision Cutting Uptime
APX nozzles from Kennametal are ideal for long, uninterrupted cuts or close tolerances that must be maintained for long periods to ensure part integrity or minimize expensive scrap due to premature nozzle failure.
Custom-Blended Waterjet Abrasive for Solid Cutting Power and Value
Affordable FUSION 80-mesh abrasive from Barton perfectly balances the best of alluvial garnet and staurolite abrasives for a variety of cutting applications.
Barton Appoints Southeast Regional Sales Manager
David Chandler now handles sales for waterjet cutting and surface preparation.
AXYZ Rebrands
After acquiring WARDJet, they change their brand identity to AXYZ Automation Group.
Hypertherm School Grant Program Returns for 2019
Their Spark Something Great educational grant program is accepting applications from 12 schools in the U.S. and Canada.
Barton Redesigns Website
Newly streamlined navigation makes finding their blasting abrasives, waterjet cutting abrasives, and parts quick and easy.
Hypertherm, Fujifilm Complete Innovative High School Program
STEM interns are graduating from their semester long high-tech manufacturing and engineering program.
Alluvial Garnet Abrasives for Versatile, Reliable Waterjet Cutting and Surface Preparation
ALLTEK abrasives from Barton are ideal for waterjet cutting when speed, good edge quality and solid cutting performance are required, and surface preparation of steel, aluminum, and other sensitive substrates in blasting applications.
Micron Level Cutting Accuracy of Extremely Small Parts in Any Material
Ideal for prototype development and production runs, the MicroMAX precision abrasive waterjet from OMAX can quickly and accurately cut delicate, complex patterns with position repeatability of less than 3 microns and a positioning accuracy of approximately 0.0006 in.
Predictive Maintenance Waterjet Pumps and High Definition Plasma Cutting
HyPrecision predictive maintenance pumps from Hypertherm are a first for the waterjet industry, and their new XPR170 is one of only two X-Definition capable plasma cutting systems in the world.
Hypertherm Introduces New Corporate Venture Capital Arm
Hypertherm Ventures seeks partnerships to commercialize advanced manufacturing technology in strategic interest areas.
New Hampshire Honors Hypertherm
Barbara Couch of their HOPE Foundation receives the Work-Based Learning Award for helping to promote work-based learning across the state.