Welding Guns/Torches
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Robot Dressed for Spot Welding

The fully integrated Spot Welding Function Package on the IRB 6700 robot from ABB Robotics features an electric servo gun with parallel arm movements managed by an IRC5 robot controller to guarantee process quality in a wide range of spot weld applications.
Learn More About Electrode Extension, Stickout and Contact-Tip-to-Work Distance

Each of these terms have specific definitions, and using them interchangeably can cause confusion that puts amperage out of the specified range. Understanding the terms being used and how they are defined by AWS provides clarity that can help prevent mistakes and rework.
Polarity Reversing Saves Pipe Welding Time and Money on the Jobsite

Using Quick-Select technology that automatically selects correct polarity, lead outputs and weld parameters, the new XMT 350 FieldPro system with Polarity Reversing from Miller Electric eliminates the need to manually swap leads between welding processes.
American Torch Tip Offers Tough-Lock Style Consumables

They now manufacture the Tregaskiss-style contact tips in the Florida plant for fast turnaround.
MIG Gun Consumable System Maximizes Productivity and Weld Quality

AccuLock S Consumables from Bernard solve bird-nesting, burnback, erratic arc and other issues associated with poor wire feeding in semi-automatic MIG welding.
Battery-Powered, Rail-Mounted Tractors for Mechanized MIG/MAG Welding

ESAB offers the Railtrac B42V rail-mounted tractor with a new weaving unit and the compact Miggytrac B501 battery-operated tractor for flexible and consistent mechanized welding of long and even not-so-long joints and seams.
Abicor Binzel Expands Key Accounts Group

Brandon Kunze is their new Key Accounts manager for Hard Automation.
Abicor Binzel Completes Laser Repair Lab

This certified, state-of-the-art lab offers Scansonic Laser system repair and maintenance services.
Innovative Welding Accessories Reduce Cycle Times and Increase Production

The Gas Management System EWR 2, Fume Extraction Cyclone, ABIMIG AT air-cooled manual MIG torch and ABIROB Cyclone air-cooled robotic torch from Abicor Binzel all reduce operating costs and increase welding profitability.
New Cutting Systems and Software Advance Shop Fabrication Operations

Hypertherm offers their new X-Definition class plasma cutting system, HyPrecision Waterjet pump with advanced predictive maintenance capabilities, new versions of their ProNest and Robotmaster software, and an extensive line-up of specialty torches and consumables.
How to Prevent Five Common Failures in Robotic Welding Systems

Are burnbacks, premature contact tip wear, loss of tool center point (TCP) or other problems costing your robotic welding operation time and money? Here are some tips that will improve productivity, reduce consumable costs and ensure consistent part quality in your robotic weld cell.
American Torch Tip Launches New Website

With easy access to more than 20,000 SKUs and custom welding equipment and services, visitors can also connect with customer service instantly.