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Beware of Bad Bargains
Watch out for artificially low prices on aftermarket plasma torch consumable parts. Before you buy, it is important to be aware of a few of the poor performance issues and risk of torch damage that your shop will experience if you purchase imitation consumables.
Hybrid Machine, Standard CNC
As the era of additive/subtractive machine tools emerges, Randy Pearson of Siemens Industry explains how today’s controls are well suited to handle the challenges.
Understanding the Basics of Low-Hydrogen Stick Electrodes
Knowing the basics about E7018 low-hydrogen stick electrodes can be helpful in understanding how to maximize their operation, their performance and the welds they can produce.
When It Comes To Safety: Fix the Problem, Not the Blame
As business increasingly uses safety performance as a criterion to judge the worthiness of a supplier, avoiding these common mistakes is crucial to remaining competitive.
Approaching Industry 4.0
A revolution is about to happen in the sheet metal business that will change the way fabricators compete – whether they are prepared for it or not. It’s time to research the strategic impact of automation in your shop, along with the related personnel, training and suppliers that you will need to make it meet your goals. This is going to determine your competitive position in the global market. Are you ready?
Micromachining of Metals Cheaper, Faster with New Laser Technology
Advances in single mode fiber laser marking technology with superior beam quality can now replace traditional EDM or other micromachining equipment.
Next Frontiers for Lean
Lean production techniques have been revolutionizing operations for 50 years. Guest columnists Ewan Duncan and Ron Ritter of consulting firm McKinsey & Company think through how coming advances in technology, psychology, and analytics may make the next 50 even more exciting.
Your CNC: OEE On Steriods
Your CNC has a learning curve, and you might be surprised by all it can know and tell you now, to help you run a more efficient shop floor or production department.
Robotic MIG Gun Options that Improve Quality and Reduce Downtime
The wire brake and air blast can be used together or separately to help improve quality and performance in robotic MIG gun applications, leading to cost savings for welding operations.
Why We Violate the Rules, Revisited
In many cases, rules actually produce unintended consequences that are far worse than the behaviors we are trying to shape. Let’s think through this food for thought together.
How Well Do You Know the Capabilities of Your Punch Machine?
Are you missing opportunities to produce parts profitably? Which of your parts currently require two or three machines to produce a completed piece? Let’s consider how you might put more profit in your pocket by producing those same parts with just your punching machine.
Micromachining: No More Constraints
The latest femtosecond laser technology from Raydiance can reduce cost per part by 20 percent to 50 percent and reduce product design, prototyping and development from months to as little as 24 hours.