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Understanding the Basics of Flux-Cored Wires
As with any filler metal, welders must weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of gas-shielded and self-shielded FCAW wires to determine if these are the best choice for their specific application.
Anticipated Growth in Manufacturing Should Refocus Worker Safety
After adding nearly 570,000 jobs over the past four years, more growth is expected as production facilities re-shore to the U.S. Guest columnist Scott Corriveau explains why corporate executives, safety officials and equipment manufacturers must work together to identify unmet safety needs and prepare a new labor force for the hazards they may face.
CNC Collision Avoidance
Sound the Alarm: More advanced CNC units provide full collision avoidance for both the machine builder and the end user alike, thereby protecting both the machine and the operator.
Remote Welding Controls Offer Benefits in Fabrication Applications, Too
Beyond the field or jobsite, the benefits of remote control technologies in fabrication settings can be sizeable: more time spent welding and less time moving around; better welds resulting in less rework; and fewer cables to string and manage in the work area.
Safety: Are You Good or Just Lucky?
When safety systems are designed and managed to look at multiple areas of risk and analyze them in a holistic context, they provide a more useful way to measure safety than simply counting bodies and broken bones.
A Focused Look at Specialized Tooling
How do you find out if a specialized tooling solution is right for you?
The Real Marketing Revolution
Reject the idea that marketing is something companies do and, instead, embrace the view that the business of business is turning customers into marketers.
Robotic Integration
CNC allows the full and scalable integration of a robot into any machining operation, allowing shops and large production departments alike to do so much more.
Buyer Awareness
This issue is designed to help our readers research, plan and execute some of their most successful strategic investments over the coming year.
The Secrets to a Long-Lasting ERP Implementation
Infor VISUAL enables Tube Specialties, a fabricator of complex tube assemblies, to improve their overall productivity and shop efficiency, and support customer requests without spending excessive time and absorbing additional costs.
State of Manufacturing 2014: Making Progress
Manufacturing employment can grow by more than 300,000 jobs every year and the economy can grow by an additional $1.5 trillion. It all comes down to products, people and policy.
Less Is More
As automation and multi-axis robot applications sweep through the shop floor, the functions of cable and hoses become critical to overall equipment performance. At first glance, managing cables and hoses may seem simple. But in reality, underestimating cable management can be a big time mistake. Guest columnist Don Nester of igus explains why this has become such an important part of any well-functioning robot.