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When Welding Moves Outside

Take a look at how digital, software-based, networked machines deliver repeatable results under the most unpredictable conditions are making a competitive difference as more welding of higher-grade materials moves to rugged outdoor environments for extended periods of time.
How to Control the Warping of Parts in Thin Sheet Metal

Weld shrinkage cannot be prevented, but it can be controlled. Here are several steps that will prevent parts from being distorted after welding.
True CNC Tool Management: From Set-Up to Final Finish Pass
There once was a time when a tool was needed to redo a section, that it might have taken several minutes to recall the program, find the right tool number, identify the proper path and redirect the operation. Not anymore. Randy Pearson of Siemens Industry explains why.
Why You Need Gas and Equipment Savvy for a Second-Hand Laser
A factory-reconditioned or second-hand laser is a good way to increase shop productivity at a fraction of the cost of a new machine. Incorporating these principles and pointers into the purchase and installation of a second-hand laser should assist you in achieving first-class efficiency and operation.
Knowing When to Automate Your Laser Operation
While it is quite common to evaluate the purchase of a laser cutting machine in great detail, much less consideration is given to what is required to keep that system in continuous operation. Lukas Baechler of TRUMPF explains how, when automation is done properly and the right equipment is used, all of the components required for an individual system will run with a perfect flow of material, better quality, and lower costs per part.
Stop Business Crises Before They Create Havoc
Let’s all give thanks for the entreprenuerial spirit that drives our industry. And with that thanks, just in case, here are some nuggets that might save the corporate neck of some entrepreneurs.
Rethinking Parts In Sheet Metal Design: The Angle Bracket

Revisiting the steps used to make a common bracket can eliminate the need for welding, make the part even easier to produce, and demonstrate how the smallest improvements in part design can reap major benefits in time and money.
Is Your Workplace Ripe for a Serious Injury?

The absence of injuries does not denote the presence of safety. In fact, a series of near misses indicates a problem in your safety management. Here are some important safety factors that identify whether your shop is at heightened risk of a serious injury or fatality.
Push or Drag Angle with GMAW to Reduce Porosity – The Answer Is: It Depends
Lesson Learned: This analysis shows how one must be careful of getting locked into welding a certain way only because that’s the way it has always been done.
Breathing New Life Into Old Iron

Retrofitting those old knee mills and lathes is now faster, easier and less expensive than ever, plus you get other big-time operating advantages.
Uncle Sam’s New Role in Manufacturing
The economic rebound that American manufacturing is enjoying right now will not be sustained without our government helping to create a globally competitive business climate. Mike Riley explores the good news that Uncle Sam appears to have finally heard the word.
Macro Programming… Keeping It All “In the Family”
Through the use of standard canned cycles on today’s advanced CNC, Randy Pearson of Siemens Industry shows how the programmer can use much higher levels of language without the need for custom writes, when transitioning among part family members.