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For more than a decade, we at Fabricating & Metalworking Online have carried stories on the latest machines and equipment to hit the market. Take a look at our latest updates, go back in our archives to see what we’ve written about in the past.
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Next Generation Large-Format 3D Printing

The workhorse STUDIO G2 large-format 3D printer from BigRep provides unmatched speed and quality in large-format additive manufacturing of premium objects using abrasive engineering-grade materials.
Mobile Laser Welding for Very Large Molds and More

Moved into place beside pressing tools, large molds or machine components that must be welded, the ALFlak Max Laser Welding System from Alpha Laser uses a 9 ft long laser arm for significantly large movement radius and added flexibility.
FABTECH 2019: Robotics and Industrial Automation

Here are some of the robotics and automation that will be exhibited to help you navigate the show floor and manage your time while you’re there.
Robotic Grippers for Efficient Tending of Metal Fabrication Operations

The RG2 Collaborative Gripper and the VG10 dual-zone electrical vacuum gripper from OnRobot provide dual grip capabilities, flexibility and more to optimize handling and cut machine tending time.
Compact Remote Welding Head for Robotic Laser Welding

For quick welding times and minimal heat input, a FANUC robot welds parts using a robot-mounted, high-speed Compact Remote Welding head controlled by a two-axis servo motor that manipulates the fine-focused beam into a weave shape pattern tailored to the joint and material.
Hot Forming Gripper

Lightweight PSB-20 pneumatic grippers from Bilsing help increase stroke rates in hot forming automotive components with short opening and closing cycles that increase productivity and optional sensors to correct part positioning.
Universal Heat Treating Oven

The Model No. 841 from Grieve is a 650 deg F universal oven that can be used for a variety of heat treatments.
Sneak Preview FABTECH 2019: Part One

The 2019 edition of FABTECH will be at McCormick Place in Chicago November 11-14 to showcase the latest innovations and technologies in metal fabrication. This special sneak peek provides technical reviews of some of the machinery, tooling, systems and accessories that will be exhibited to help you get a head start on navigating the show floor and managing your time while you’re there.
Sneak Preview FABTECH 2019: Part Two

The 2019 edition of FABTECH will be at McCormick Place in Chicago November 11-14 to showcase the latest innovations and technologies in metal fabrication. This special sneak peek provides technical reviews of more of the machinery, tooling, systems and accessories that will be exhibited to help you get a head start on navigating the show floor and managing your time while you’re there.
Sneak Preview FABTECH 2019: Part Three

The 2019 edition of FABTECH will be at McCormick Place in Chicago November 11-14 to showcase the latest innovations and technologies in metal fabrication. This special sneak peek provides technical reviews of other machinery, tooling, systems and accessories that will be exhibited to help you get a head start on navigating the show floor and managing your time while you’re there.
Lower-Priced Cold Saw Delivers Higher-Quality Performance

The gravity-feed autocut H310 U bandsaw from Kalamazoo Machine Tool can miter 60 deg to the right and insure that each cut is fed exactly at the same rate, eliminating the need to open and close the valve on each cut.
Waterjet Engineered for Speed, Accuracy, and Strength

The versatile, mid-size X-1530 waterjet from WARDJet saves floor space but provides full-scale capabilities to handle the toughest, industrial-size jobs.