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Next Steps in Powertrain Production

Gehring and copperING have merged to create a supplier of production systems for both conventional and electrical powertrain markets.
Advanced Measurement and Inspection Technologies

L.S. Starrett provides Automated Vision Technology and Optical Measuring Systems, Force Testing Equipment, Surface Measurement, Hardness Testing, new Electronic Digital Measuring Tools and Wireless Data Collection to support manufacturing’s transition to Industry 4.0.
Optical 3D Surface Metrology Systems

The MarSurf CM series of Optical 3D surface metrology systems from Mahr Inc. provide micron and nanometer resolution surface finish and micro-geometry information, including 2D and 3D surface roughness, bearing area, flatness, depth, volume and much more.
Thread Inspection System for Runout and Concentricity

The JCR Runout and Concentricity Inspection System from The Johnson Gage Company is for verification of cylindrical runout and can be used stand alone or with an optical comparator for verification of geometries in cutting tools.
Next Generation Roughness and Form Metrology

Waveline W800 roughness and contour measuring devices from Jenoptik can be used to measure either the roughness or contours of nearly any workpiece with instruments that work in multiple measurement runs and models.
Maximum Measurement Flexibility with Minimum Footprint

The flexible Optiv Performance 322 from Hexagon is a customizable fixed bridge and moving table-top multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine that offers increased accuracy and repeatability at high speed and high acceleration through the stiffness of its granite construction.
Next Generation Tool Grinding and Advanced Gear Hobbing

The compact NXT CNC 5-axis tool grinder and the FFG Werke Modul H 80-200 vertical gear hobbing machine from Star SU are suited for automotive as well as job shop applications.
Connecting Systems for Intelligent Production

The Connected Machining package of components and systems from Heidenhain supports end users that are introducing digital order management to their production processes to increase competitiveness.
Integrated, Automated Measuring Cell for At-Line Inspection

The CUBE-R from Creaform uses the MetraSCAN 3D-R metrology scanner to combine efficiency, speed and reliability with 3D digitizing and dimensional measurement of parts ranging from 1 m to 3 m, with metrology-grade volumetric accuracy in real-life shop floor conditions.
High Precision Machining, Lower Cost Metal 3D Hybrid Machining of Large Parts

Large scale machining centers from Takumi USA are integrated with Metal 3D Printing Tools from 3D-Hybrid Solutions to break new ground in aerospace, tooling, mold and die applications.
Quality Systems for the Lab, the Measuring Room or in Production

Bosello 2D X-Ray systems, CMMs, sensors and other automated solutions from Zeiss are suited for a variety of measurement applications.
Optical Coordinate Measurement Machine for Tightest Tolerances in Highest Accuracy

The optical 3D Focus-Variation measuring instrument µCMM from Alicona combines tactile coordinate technology and optical surface metrology to measure both surface roughness and GD&T features with tolerances in the single-digit µm range for complex dimensions, position, shape and roughness of components.