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Bandsaw Perfect for Internal Contours
Users can choose a single-phase or three phase for their precision metal cutting needs with the Models SB1040 & SB1041 band saws from South Bend Lathe.
High-Production Bandsaw Cuts Bars, Pipes with Reduced Vibration
The HBP-610A bandsaw from Behringer Saws was developed for the U.S. market to enable automated bandsawing of pipes from 0.75 in to 24 in in diameter.
Ringsaw Revolutionizes Industrial Pipe Cutting
Every RingSaw machine is equipped to support wet or dry cutting, integral cutting fluid and chip management systems.
Air-Powered Pneumatic Saw and Clamp Assembly Cuts Steel Plates with Ease
The APS-438 Air-Powered Saw and Quick-Clamp lets workers take the saw to the steel plate rather than transporting the plate to a large table saw and can produce square cuts with no HAZ.
Saw Technology Delivers Faster Cycle Times
Each machine can be equipped with the IntelliCut Software to increase parts per shift, decrease cutting cost and remove the operator from the decision making process regarding the use of the saw blade and the cutting rate.
Band Saw Makes a Versatile and Economic Addition
Dayton’s band saws effectively cut through a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, composites, plastics and wood.
High Production Circular Saw Perfect for Round Bars
The Klingelhofer KASTOspeed C9 is designed for cutting steel bars with thin, throwaway carbide tipped saw blades.
Dry Cutter Circular Saw Cuts Steel, Sandwich Panels, Conduit, Metal Pipe and More
The 8320 BigSaw2 Super Hand Dry Cutter 12 3/4 in diameter circular saw from CS Unitec is the largest metal cold cutting saw on the market, with a powerful 16 amp motor that delivers a free cutting speed of 1,400 rpm and features motor overload protection to prevent motor burnout.
Utility Band Saw Capable of Cutting Round Material Up to 8.5 Inches
Capable of cutting round material up to 8.5 in in diameter, the SU-280 offers an increased cutting capacity and has the ability to cut ferrous and non-ferrous materials including tubing, solid material, and structural iron at an affordable price.
Largest Circular Megasaw Cuts in Minutes
The name LINSINGER has stood for technology and innovation for decades. The KSA 2200 DPD is another convincing example of this.
Hydraulic Bandsaw Allows for Straight and Miter Cuts
Cosen’s SVC-670DM vertical tilt- frame band saw allows the user to cut at any angle between 90 deg (straight cut) and 60/30 degree (miter cut) in both directions.
Automatic Vertical Band Saw Has a User-Friendly Touch Screen
The HEM VT120HA-60 TS from HE&M Saw Inc. is an automatic vertical band saw that miters to 60 deg, and features their new flat panel touch-screen controls.