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For more than a decade, we at Fabricating & Metalworking Online have carried stories on the latest machines and equipment to hit the market. Take a look at our latest updates, go back in our archives to see what we’ve written about in the past.
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Ironworkers with Electric Stroke Control
50-ton 50514CM and 5014TM ironworkers from Scotchman now come with a 50-ton Electric Stroke Control with a Remote Electric Foot Pedal option for more accuracy and consistent repeatability.
CNC Turret Punch Press with Material Warehousing System
The new generation VX-1225 high performance CNC turret punch press with a 6-pallet Compact Tower (CT-P) material warehousing system from LVD Strippit is ideal for fast processing of thin sheet materials.
CNC Punching, Notching and Bending Machines
COMEQ now distributes EUROMAC CNC punching, notching and bending machines along with GEKA ironworkers, SAFAN electric press brakes and shears, PARMIGIANI plate and angle bending rolls, PRIMELINE hydraulic press brakes and shears, and AMERICOR light sheet plate bending rolls.
Automatic Mitering Bandsaws
The 6,600 lb HBP-310/403G/A from Behringer Saws eliminates secondary operations when cutting solid materials up to 12.2 in diameter and rectangular tubing up to 15.7 in wide x 12.2 in high.
Advanced Fabrication Solutions
The TruLaser 5030 fiber 5 kW laser from TRUMPF makes its first public appearance in North America as the highest powered solid-state laser cutting machine on the market.
Automated CO2/Fiber Laser Cutting System
Haco Atlantic USA, in collaboration with Cutlite Penta, introduces Laser Plus, a new state-of-the-art high precision laser cutting system now available for unattended operations with both CO2 and fiber lasers from 2 kW to 6 kW.
Safety Systems Safeguard Personnel and Machinery
These engineered switch products from Tapeswitch connect to machinery to safeguard the manufacturing process in accordance with safety standards and protecting assets, areas, personnel, equipment, and machinery.
Hole New Ways to Make Money
With so much of your time spent on drilling, reaming, boring and threading holes, lowering your cost per hole plays a big role in raising your profitability. Here are some of the newest tools to help you improve your holemaking productivity.
What’s New: Abrasive Grinding Tools
The latest innovations and advances in abrasive technology promise to increase your productivity not only in grinding, but in finishing and other multipurpose applications as well.
Rollblocks for Stamping Presses Fit Variety of Needs
These new die lifters from Carr Lane Roemheld are engineered to provide easy, safe movement of dies on stamping presses.
Automated Flexible Manufacturing
The new Flexible Pallet Container automation system from Fastems is a progressive alternative to older “pallet pool” technology that extends from a single manufacturing cell to serve up to 18 pallet positions for three identical machine tools by using full-featured, shop-wide system integration with ERP/MRP systems.
Rotary Transfer Machines
Transfer Systems from Kaufman Manufacturing can replace three or more existing machines while reducing floor space and improving tool life.