
NAFTA Renegotiation: Are You Prepared?

The agenda is being set and manufacturers have an opportunity to get the issues that matter to them on the table. Now is the time to consider how NAFTA benefits or harms your business. Analyze what might happen if those benefits or burdens are changed or eliminated, monitor developments and participate in the process. To get started, here are some of the significant issues likely to be on the agenda, and some ways to ensure that your business’ interests are represented at the negotiating table.

Legal: Articles

NAFTA Renegotiation: Are You Prepared?

The agenda is being set and manufacturers have an opportunity to get the issues that matter to them on the table. Now is the time to consider how NAFTA benefits or harms your business. Analyze what might happen if those benefits or burdens are changed or eliminated, monitor developments and participate in the process. To get started, here are some of the significant issues likely to be on the agenda, and some ways to ensure that your business’ interests are represented at the negotiating table.

The agenda is being set and manufacturers have an opportunity to get...

Dealing with Confidentiality Agreements

Because customers, suppliers and employees change more frequently than in the past, the use of Confidentiality Agreements is growing as manufacturers protect their intellectual property in materials development, automation, fabrication and machining processes, and other trade secrets that are not patented. Here are some points to consider when asking for and receiving protection under Confidentiality Agreements.  

Because customers, suppliers and employees change more frequently than in the past,...

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Who wants to go through all of the stress, expense and hassle of documenting a business relationship in a clear, comprehensive contract? It is always easier and more expedient to have a verbal contract or an incomplete imprecise written contract. Until something goes wrong.

Who wants to go through all of the stress, expense and hassle...

Dealing with Non-Competition Agreements – from Both Sides

Non-compete agreements are increasingly a part of employment contracts and employment at will, and employers and employees must learn to deal effectively with them. Here are some key aspects of non-competition agreements that must be addressed, from both the employer and employee perspective.

Non-compete agreements are increasingly a part of employment contracts and employment at...

How to Protect Against Liability for Contractor Employee Injury

When an employee of a contractor is injured in a manufacturing plant, the owner of the plant becomes a prime target for a lawsuit. An indemnification agreement can be a shield of protection against this liability – if it is used properly.

When an employee of a contractor is injured in a manufacturing plant,...
Calendar & Events
October 15 - 17, 2024
Orlando, FL
Design-2-Part Show
October 16 - 17, 2024
Marlborough, MA
Design-2-Part Show
October 23 - 24, 2024
Akron, OH
November 5 - 8, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
Design-2-Part Show
November 19 - 20, 2024
Nashville, TN