Body Protection
This category includes any and all equipment worn on the body to prevent injury or accidents during the fabricating and machining process. Often referred to as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), this includes garments and other devices to protect the worker from cutting edges, high temperatures, electricity, radiation, toxic chemicals and fumes, and any other byproduct of the fabricating process that could be harmful to the human body. Along with garments, this category includes devices such as shields, static or mobile, meant to protect the body, along with systems that test, sterilize, and restore PPE after use around toxic contaminants.
Smart Safety Strategies

Advances in safety equipment prevent accidents and ensure your employees remain healthy and ready to work.
Advances in safety equipment prevent accidents and ensure your employees remain healthy and ready to work.
Industry professionals share insights and products to assist in fostering zero injuries in your shop.
Comau’s MATE passive technology exoskeleton reduces muscle strain for operators at an Italian minibus factory. Many of its production tasks require personnel to continuously lift their arms, but with the aid of the easy-on wearable device, shoulder pain is now a thing of the past.
Wearable technology can improve worker safety and comfort and contribute to productivity. It’s no longer just smart watches and fitness trackers . . . wearable tech is set to become a factory essential.
The Smart Factory reduces insurance costs and increases productivity and profitability by investing in new systems with advanced technology to protect both workers and equipment. Here are some of the latest advances in protective equipment, safety automation and services, and more that can help make your shop become a safer workplace.
Ferndale Safety introduces the ViziGuard™ bench grinder safety system, which incorporates an advanced electrical interlocking system to reduce the risk of serious injury.
The SmartFlex 400 Series thin-gauge general purpose gloves are ideal for everything from electronics repair to small parts assembly.
The knee pads are ideal for working while kneeling on the ground or on hard surfaces and for impact protection in every industry.