Laser Cutting
Frequently used to make tiny features in medical devices and in electronics production operations, pulsed laser machining deposits very small, finite amounts of energy into a workpiece for extremely precise, reproducible material removal to a specified depth to ablate, cut, drill, machine or scribe a workpiece. It can create a variety of relief features, including grooves, slots and profiles, without actually cutting through the material.
How EDM Technology Is Adapting to the Realities of the Modern Workforce

The difference between a skilled operator and an inexperienced one is night and day. Machine builders are helping manufacturers remain productive and profitable by deploying technologies that close the skills gap between dedicated operators with extensive knowledge of just one process and today’s jack of all trades.
The difference between a skilled operator and an inexperienced one is night and day. Machine builders are helping manufacturers remain productive and profitable by deploying technologies that close the skills gap between dedicated operators with extensive knowledge of just one process and today’s jack of all trades.
The latest femtosecond laser technology from Raydiance can reduce cost per part by 20 percent to 50 percent and reduce product design, prototyping and development from months to as little as 24 hours.
Custom Etch purchased the LASER 4000 5Ax from GF Machining Solutions to add surface textures to extra-large workpieces used for automotive parts, housewares, aerospace, medical, beverage, lawn and garden equipment and toys.
GibbsCAM announces the release of GibbsCAM 2024, which continues to boost end-user productivity for programming advanced machining centers, underpinning the GibbsCAM promise of Powerfully Simple, Simply Powerful.
The technology offers maximum flexibility, efficiency and part quality,
as well as material savings of up to one million USD per year.
ANCA is set to unveil a remarkable new machine capable of producing the highest accuracy and quality cutting tools in the world at IMTS 2022
With VideoOn a brand-new stand ANCA will showcase the next generation of technology enabling customers to grow capacity, improve profit margins and gain efficiencies.