These machines use either a scissor-like angular shear action or a straight shear action with a blade fixed at an angle to cut metal into sheets or strips. One blade is typically mounted onto a fixed bed with a vertically advancing crosshead and a series of hold-down pins or feet to hold the material in place while cutting. A gauging system with stops is used to produce specific workpiece finish sizes.
Trilogy Machinery’s Processes and People Ensure Your Success

Stocked with metal fabrication machines ranging from entry level to custom designed, and full parts and service departments, Trilogy Machinery collaborates with customers to determine the best solutions for their applications.
Stocked with metal fabrication machines ranging from entry level to custom designed, and full parts and service departments, Trilogy Machinery collaborates with customers to determine the best solutions for their applications.
The most innovative and updated features to today’s metal forming and fabricating machinery, additive manufacturing equipment, software, controllers and accessories result in efficiencies — both in production and cost savings.
The Freedom to Innovate: TRUMPF Inc. Assists Customers in Realizing Their Greatest Projects
With VideoThe embodiment of TRUMPF is the ability to integrate its high-quality machine tools with its high-quality lasers to build machines that enhance their customers’ competitiveness.
Press breaks, stamping presses and shears facilitate productivity increases and cost savings.
LVD Strippit has kept its New York plant and all four of its North American support facilities open during the pandemic to continue supplying parts and aftermarket service to essential manufacturing businesses. And when remote service isn’t enough, their techs hit the road to keep customers’ equipment running smoothly.
Scotchman Industries low profile LED lights have proven effective for brightly illuminating the workstation and workpiece.
CINCINNATI EZ BEND™: Bringing Automation to the Shop Floor Through Collaborative Robotic Technology
With VideoTransform your operation with EZ Bend, the easy and innovative way to integrate automation. Free up your press brake operators to focus on complex bends ensuring a smooth and efficient operation for even the most complex tasks.
Now available in North America, a flexible, high-performance, battery-powered hand tool from TRUMPF, the TruTool S250 LiHD 18V shear, is now even more ergonomic and easy to use.