Resistance Welders
Used for a wide range of automotive, aerospace and industrial applications, resistance welders join metals by applying pressure and passing current through the metal area being joined for a specified length of time. This is extremely cost effective because no other materials are needed to create the bond. Spot, seam, projection, flash and upset welding are separate resistance welding processes that use different types and shapes of weld electrodes to apply the pressure and conduct the current. The electrodes are cooled by water flowing through them and the other conductive tooling of the resistance welding machine.
New SWR-TIPTIG to Supercharge Productivity and Change How Industries Weld

The new Spool Welding Robot-TIPTIG mechanized TIG welding system from Novarc Technologies allows operators to make the highest quality welds with speeds two-to-three times faster than manual TIG welding
The new Spool Welding Robot-TIPTIG mechanized TIG welding system from Novarc Technologies allows operators to make the highest quality welds with speeds two-to-three times faster than manual TIG welding
Robotic welding leads the way, providing flexible, dependable, ergonomic, and versatile solutions.
Automated TIG welding is something you don’t hear much about in the industry – especially in comparison to automated MIG welding – but interest is growing.
Economical and streamlined resistance welding equipment is offered in pre-engineered as well as customized solutions.
When you’re on the job, there’s bound to be a mishap from time to time. What matters most in those moments is the solution you choose to fix it.
Taylor-Winfield Leverages Resistance Welding with Automation.
New Compact Resistance Welding Workstation Simplifies Operator Tasks While Maximizing Quality
With VideoAMADA WELD TECH introduces the WR Series of Resistance Welding Workstations, which combine a power supply, transformer, weld head, process monitor, and workbench into a compact workstation
Quick and accurate point-to-point positioning can shave seconds off cycle times.